Get Mercury out of your Diet

Mercury is a Planet. And a Poison.

Mercury is a poison that severely damages the cells in our body. It’s absorbed into our system and has a tendency to stay if not coaxed out of our bodies with the right foods. Mercury is found on toys, appliances and other man made items. It is also found in seafood! Take hold of your diet and evict this poison from your system.

Mercury Capturing Effect of Common Foods

Here is what mercury can do-

The effect that mercury has on the human body involves harm to the neurological system. The effects are worse and more likely in infants and children who are still developing. Mercury exposure can cause problems with memory, speech, and motor skills, while significant mercury poisoning can cause severe problems with walking and muscle coordination.

One comment

  1. Noooo. Not corn pops! Sigh. That is tragic. But, at least I can stop using wheat flour. I was always suspicious of it.

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